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About Us

Who we are

We are a Braintree based charity seeking to help break the cycle of homelessness by the provision of support and advocacy for homeless and  those at risk of homelessness adults. As a charity, we were established in 2012 in response to the level of homelessness in Braintree.

Hope House Essex is run by volunteer trustees with a wide range of backgrounds and experiences.  We employ a full time manager and a part time book keeper to oversee the Hope House Community activities, local collaborations and day to day running of the charity.  The rest of the Hope House team is made up of volunteers who help with a variety of activities including fundraising, bid writing, and befriending those in the Hope House Community and anybody who needs advice.  

Hope House Community (HHC) was launched at the beginning of November 2020, following a successful application to the National Lottery. The aim of HHC is to support adults in the local area who are vulnerable to homelessness and isolation.

This funding period has ended and whilst we actively seek new funding opportunities, the current economic climate makes this evermore challenging. If you can donate to help us continue this important work, please donate via our donation page.

Hope House Logo

What we do

Our Mission

We endeavour to provide a warm and welcoming space to enable people to get back on their feet. With personalised support and care, we ‘hold hands’ with people to navigate local services to a more settled and independent living. We actively promote a sense of security and self-worth and respect for the dignity of all.

Our Charitable Objectives

Currently being revised and will be published soon.

Who we help

Hope House Essex has worked with individuals from a variety of backgrounds and we have worked with homeless people from Braintree and the surrounding areas to help them to break the cycle of homelessness through the Hope House Community.

We work with individuals who are sleeping rough, sleeping in a car with all of their belongings or sofa-surfing (the practice of staying temporarily with various friends and relatives while attempting to find permanent accommodation).

We advocate for individuals with other services such as Local authorities, Braintree District Council, probation and prison services, mental health services and many more. 

How we are funded

We do not receive any funding from the Government and rely heavily on donations from the local community, businesses, fundraising and applying for  grants. We are always looking for more support, so if you can help us make a difference today, please use the button below.